welcome – This site is an initiative of The Controller Project, a gaming charity. Our goal is to document all the options out there for accessible gaming hardware. Finding an accessible game controller can be very difficult. There are so many options! This site is here to help you browse through those options to help find what you need.

Click on an item in the right column to get started ———————————————>

Site status right now:

We’re just getting started. I’m building this site out right now. There’s a lot of work to do, but my short term goal is just to get as many devices in here as possible and refine the filtering methods to make sense. As you can imagine, there are way too many possible ways to filter things, so I’m trying things out to see how they work. Let me know if you have ideas, but keep in mind that I’m limited by my own skills as well.

The future of this site:

There are a few additional features I would love to add to this site such as:

  • set up video guides
  • reviews

I’m committing right now that all reviews and setup guide videos will be carried out by members of the disabled gaming community.

To do things like travel to someone and film them, or collaborate to get them filmed, then edit it for release, take time and money. These future things like guides and reviews can only happen if I get enough funding. As you can see, there’s currently no way to help fund this site, I haven’t quite decided how I’ll do that. Should I do a gofundme? Ko-fi? Patreon? Should I just have people donate to thecontrollerproject, which pays for this site? I’m not sure yet.

Feel free to drop me an email with any thoughts you may have. I’m hello@calebkraft.com